Are you interested in a lip flip near Cedar Falls at Spry Skin and Wellness? Or would you prefer lip filler near Cedar Falls? Now, you might be wondering the difference between a lip flip and lip filler, and if not, good for you! But for those who are, let’s explain.
Flip or Fill?
Some, when they think lip plumping, just imagine one kind. But just like there are two types of filler for your face, Dysport and Botox, the same goes for your lips. So when using the term “lip filler,” this refers to the use of dermal fillers. And when talking about a lip flip, this uses Botox.
Of course, the principles are the same as with general face fillers. All of these solutions use a form of Hyaluronic Acid, which smoothes the skin so that it doesn’t wrinkle and can plump the skin so it appears youthful and rejuvenated.
A Good Combination
Lip Flips & Microneedling
We offer the only FDA-approved microneedling device, called SkinPen. This device triggers the body’s natural self-healing process by using extremely small needles to create micro “injuries” in the skin.

This is done to strengthen collagen production and promote new skin cell growth. You will see the resulting smoother and younger-looking skin nearly right away when you do a lip flip near Cedar Falls with Spry Skin and Wellness!
About Our Practice
Founded in 2018, our mission has always been to help men and women gain confidence to be the best versions of themselves. Spry has helped thousands of patients achieve this over the past five years.
Serving both Waterloo and Cedar Falls, Spry has a reputation for superior service throughout Cedar Valley. We are lucky to have an amazing team at Spry. Their upbeat energy will leave you feeling energized and inspired to take on the rest of your day!
You can be certain that, when you come to Spry to get a lip flip near Cedar Falls, you will be cherished and taken care of!
Schedule a skin assessment today!